Monday, April 5, 2010

Senior Citizens one of the Hottest Cell Phone Markets According to IBM

Cell phones have become tremendously popular in the last several yeas and seniors have started to use them. However, new models of cell phone for seniors are not being released every week as opposed to the smart phones, fashion phones, texting phones and camera phones for younger markets. This means that the seniors market is a ripe market for handsets.

To target the potential of this market, the folks at IBM have initiated a two-year research program that focuses on making cell phones easier to use, for both the elderly and the illiterate. the National Institute of Design of India and Tokyo University are also involved in this project.

Ben Wood, research director at British consultancy CCS Insight comments, "As the population in Europe and North America ages, the need for specialized mobile devices will become acute. Phone makers will have to adapt if they want to appeal to a generation that has grown up with mobile devices, but can't use them in the ways they used to.

This effort is also open-source, so all governments and businesses can take advantage of the fruits of this cell phones for seniors and the illiterate research.

Hopefully, this will increase the number of senior-friendly phones in the market.

That's it for this cell phone for seniors news. Tune in for news and updates as well as devices for the elderly.

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